Nicolette Brunklaus, Acoustic tapestry The wall woolNicolette Brunklaus, Acoustic tapestry The wall wool
Nicolette Brunklaus, Acoustic tapestry The wall wool
Nicolette Brunklaus, Acoustic tapestry The wall wool

Tapestry Wall wallhanging

tapestry  Wall 

This tapestry is Handmade in The Netherlands.
100%  hundred percent Wool
Color creates the visual depth in the tapestry with a red fringe.

Architectural shape

For private and hospitality projects
Size is 175 cm x 210 cm
One in stock

Price on request


Tapestry Wall wallhanging

This design called Wall is tufted in 100% wool in yellow green colors.
And though it’s a two dimensional design, because of the gradient from light to dark the wallhanging gets a three dimensional look.
The fringe made in red follows the bottom of the tapestry. A door is visible in red and this detail also gives a suggestion of space.

This design derived from love for architecture and also to form and material.


Working as an artist in residence with a tufting studio in Morocco, it inspired Nicolette Brunklaus to make a series of acoustic tapestries.

Wall is one design in a series of eight designs. Nicolette Brunklaus produces some of them in Morocco in a limited edition.
This Tapestry is handmade in The Netherlands.

Sizes can be custom made for any size of space.
100% Wool

Price on request